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Topic: Chemistry Grad School Help?!  (Read 3511 times)

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Chemistry Grad School Help?!
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:03:11 AM »
Hey all-

I was hoping you guys would be able to give me some advice with regard to the level of chemistry grad schools I should apply to. The schools I am presently looking at are mentioned at the bottom of this post, but I would love for others to suggest schools I may qualify for so I can look into them. Here are my measureables:

Currently entering my senior year at a decent "research I" university (I dont think they use that term anymore), BS in Biochemistry with minor in Chemistry.

GPA = 3.82 both within my major and overall

GRE = 162/160 quant/verbal (according to ets, these convert to 87th percentile in both, and are equivalent to a 770/610 on the old gre exam... I didn't really look into how though and kind of don't believe it)

When I graduate I will have 2.5 semesters of academic chemical biology work (should have at least two publications as second author by then, possibly one as first), as well as two summers' spent at a biochemical company doing biochemistry and some pretty simple synthesis

Still waiting on those chem GRE results, but I hear they arent too big a deal for a domestic applicant

Have received two awards from school: one recognizing my research and one recognizing my performance in inorganic chemistry classes

For recommendations I was planning to ask my PI, my boss for the summer work, and my academic adviser who also taught two of my chemistry classes, all of whom I think would write very good letters.

Another interesting piece of information is that I only got a B in PChem 2, which covers quantum and kinetics, but I did not take PChem 1 yet (will next semester) and will not take the labs. I've heard that your pchem grades tend to carry more weight than others. I have, however, taken a semester of "orgo III" as an elective. This focused on organic synthesis incorporated with biological molecules. Got an A-.

Presently I was looking at the Chemistry programs at NC state and UNC, rutgers, upenn, boston college, wisconsin, UCSB and UC Irvine, michigan, minnesota, and ohio state unversity, as I really like a lot of the research that goes on there (don't plan on applying to all of them haha). Which of these schools do you think I have a good shot at and should apply? As well, if you could mention some equally selective schools to those you think I would get in to that you believe I should check out, fire away. I am very interested in multiple aspects of chemistry (organic, inorganic, biochemistry), but a big thing of mine is applying chemical knowledge to understand and manipulate biological systems.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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