Hello there!
I am trying to get my head around the chemistry of Ocean Acidification. So far, I have managed to understand this equation:
2 (aq) + H
2O + CO
32- → 2 HCO
3- (aq)
This shows that the more CO
2 that's added to the ocean, the more carbonate ions are 'consumed' and the amount of bicarbonate ions increases.
However, I have also come across this one (see this image:
2 + H
2O ⇌ H
3 ⇌ H
+ + HCO
3- ⇌ 2 H
+ + CO
32-I don't quite understand how the formation of carbonic acid is 'taking away' carbonate ions from the ocean, impeding calcification and aiding ocean acidification. If anything, it seems that this process is
adding carbonate ions to the ocean!
And finally, a calcification equation:
2+ (aq) + 2 HCO
3- (aq) ⇌ CaCO
3 (s) + H
2O + CO
2 Doesn't this show that calcification can occur with
bicarbonate ions?
Please inform me if any of the equations are actually wrong. I'd be grateful for any *delete me* Thanks in advance!