I like to play with chemistry and wondering if anyone here can help me a bit.
I possess a mixture containing
fatty alcohol ethoxylate CAS No. 68439-45-2. 5-10%
gamma butyrolactone cas No. 96-48-0 60-100%
glycol ether CAS No. 005131-66-8 10-30%
orange terpenes CAS No. 8028-48-6 1-5%
Someone here who knows how I can achieve this? I possess in general a reflux distillation with a column like this
http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-24-40-Reflux-Condenser-/370611122106?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564a24efba#ht_919wt_1110 can distinguish the different substances from each other whith this? or someone who has some good advice? someone who does not know but who still know where I can dedicate my knowledge, do not hesitate to answer
thanks for answers