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Topic: Collapse of a collagen sponge using water/ethanol mixture  (Read 2541 times)

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Collapse of a collagen sponge using water/ethanol mixture
« on: June 01, 2012, 09:58:55 AM »

I have a question regarding the collapse of a collagen sponge when wetted with an ethanol/water mixture. Collagen sponges are used for example as biodegradable scaffolds and often have a very high porosity.

I collapsed the sponge structure using a mixture of 50% ethanol in water. This should lower the porosity. After when air dried you get a stiff collapsed collagen sponge.

Now I'm wondering if anyone knows what happens to the collagen structure when it is wetted with this mixture. Why does it collapse? What happens to the structure?

When I treat the sponge with just ethanol or just water there is no collapse. Could it be that it has something to do with hydrophobic hydration of the hydrophobic parts of the ethanol?  ??? ???

I really have no clue and cannot find anything in literature. I hope there is someone who can help me find the answer!


I found out that when

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