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Topic: Sodium sulfate and Sodium Carbonate  (Read 3267 times)

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Sodium sulfate and Sodium Carbonate
« on: June 21, 2012, 03:02:21 PM »

I am working on of the process where I need to add sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate( maximum of 5%) to a vanadium ore to form water soluble product using high temperature roasting.

In order to determine, how the concentration of sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate effects the process. (As sodium sulfate is ready available for them with in the plant so they will use more of the sodium sulfate where as they have to buy sodium carbonate from outside). The process is expected to run at between 900-1200C. But will addition of more sodium sulfate drive up the temperature of the process to get more recovery Vs. using Sodium carbonate?

can anyone provide me the decomposition temperature of Sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate to Sodium oxides?


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