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Topic: polyacrylamide attachment on polystyrene dishes  (Read 3683 times)

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polyacrylamide attachment on polystyrene dishes
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:44:28 PM »
Hello! I have a commercial polistyrene (PS) dish and I would need to graft a polyacrylamide (PAA) layer on the bottom.
Polyacrylamide is well polymerized and attached to silanized glass coverslips. However the bonding to the plastic is not effective.
I tried to plasma treat the dish and them apply the silane coating. Even if the gel fits well in the dish it can be delaminated. I've tried both chemical (ammonium persulphate/TEMED) and photo-initiator/UV at 365nm to polymerize and graft the gel.
I've looked extensively in the literature without something clearly helpful.
There's also a company that provides PS dishes with PAA gels

Any suggestion?

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