only read about it once and its supposed to costs well about $600 per pound compared to platinum which is about i think $5700 per pound or simething about $5000, but i forgot what it was composed of.
have you read my pervious posts mentioning a fuel cell that produces about 3 KWh, weight only 5 pounds, and the bike that ports that fuel cell only costs about $2700, that is the advantage of going nano on this kind of technology, it works exactly the same as fuel cells, in that to increase the current output or to increase the voltage output you would simply have to connect the cells in parallel or series connections, and in the nano sense you are making the cells extremelly small and using considerably less material to get a higher power output. and its incredebly efficient, the technology appeared in TIME magazine as one of the top 100 inventiones of the year, a motorbike which has the fuel cell, reaches speeds of 50 mph, and it has a range of 100 miles on only 5 oz of H2. no it does not have to cost too much, but then again since the nickel-catalyst is about 300 times inefficient would you not have to get 300 times more nickel to get the same power output in a cell that has the same components and thus use 300 times the hydrogen, and have a cell 300 times larger?