I've been reading about the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Law, and according to my textbook, there's essentially three ways to describe the velocity for a set of particles in an ideal gas.
1. Root Mean Square Velocity
2. Average Velocity
3. Most Probable Velocity
I was confused on the meaning and usage of the root mean square velocity and why it was important when I could just calculate the average velocity directly without squaring anything. So I searched it up, and what I found out was that when considering a large amount of particles, the particles are generally isotropic. So since the directions of the velocities are all balanced, velocities of opposite directions would cancel each other out, leaving an average velocity of 0. Hence a root mean square velocity would actually provide an actual number to work with, instead of 0.
But what I don't understand, is that if this was true, why is there even an equation for calculating the average velocity? v = √(8RT)/(pi)(M). Wouldn't it just always be 0?
If the statement about the velocities cancelling each other out is wrong, and that the value for the average velocity isn't 0, then why would I need to know the root mean square velocity? Aren't they essentially measuring the same thing, and wouldn't the average velocity give me the necessary information regarding the average speed of the particles?
I'm basically having a hard time understanding the difference between these two velocities, and when to use which one. Also, my textbook also states that both effusion and diffusion rates depends on the average velocity. Why is it dependant on the average velocity instead of the root mean square velocity?
Thank you in advance!