October 22, 2024, 05:38:20 PM
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Topic: Newbie attempt at extracting Iodine. Possible Emergency. What is this smoke?!?  (Read 5987 times)

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Offline TCOne

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Hello all!  I was recently exposed to the world of chemistry.  Dont ask.  Where I'm from education isn't exactly the best available.  Either way I am excited and awestruck at the possibilities :).  I may have gotten myself in a pickle.  Here's What I did. 

I am attempting to create Nitrogen TriIodine.  Maybe it's too advanced for me, idk.  I am pretty much teaching myself and having a blast doing it :)  First step, get iodine.  Ok I thought, no biggie.  Went to chemistry supply store and they accused me of making meth
-_-.  f&#^$*@ tweakers.  So I did some research and discovered a simple way to extract iodine from tincture.  Went to CVS, got a bottle to test it out.  This bottle is CVS brand containing Iodine 2%, Sodium Iodide 2.4%, alcohol 47%.  I mixed it with 30ml of Muriatic Acid and 60ml of H2O2.  It produced a very murky brown liquid and tons of purple powdery crystals precipitated.  I then filtered it through a coffee filter and seemingly, succeeded.  Yay, thought I.  Time for more since this only yielded .6 grams. :(.  CVS was out, so I went to walmart.  This is there things got bad.

They obviously did not have the same CVS brand Iodine Tincture that I had before, so I settled on the next closest thing.  Bottle says Iodides Tincture.  I think this is my homebrew chemistry lesson in nomenclature -_-.  I proceeded to follow the previous instructions.  Dumped bottle of Iodide Tincture into flask....Hmmmm....slightly yellow.   I thought this was weird.   Added 30 ml of Muriatic.  It definitely got weird now, it smoked a little more than the last reaction did.  When I added the H2O2, it instantly released an ungodly amount of thick white smoke and the flask got very warm.  The smoke hit me in the face!!!!! I got really dizzy and ran outside.  I waited several hours and went back in to see the reaction seemingly complete.  I decided wtf, might as well see what I got.  I poured the product through a coffee filter and yielded what looks like almost 3 grams of VERY shiny grey crystals.  I noticed the second bottle said on the back that it containsAlcohol 45% denatured with ammonia, Ammonium and Potassium Iodides.  My question is this:

Am I gonna get cancer or something from that smoke?!?!?! Wtf did I make?!?!!  :(

Offline discodermolide

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I can guess what you made.
My advice is to leave all of this well alone, you are going to hurt yourself.
Don't ask me any other questions, I won't answer.
Development Chemists do it on Scale, Research Chemists just do it!
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Offline TCOne

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Well, I guess I should preface this with I don't expect an answer.

I am not attempting to do anything dangerous here by intention.  From what I read, it seemed like a safe enough task.  I understand that my question may seem a bit stupid, but right now, I am stupid.  I only seek education.  As stated before, I am not expecting a reply, but if one is sent, I have it set to auto inform me via email.  Thanks for your time regardless.

Offline TCOne

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Well, even though I am obviously not welcome here, I hope your ethics allow you to answer me this at least.  How should I dispose of the yield of the second reaction?  I would google it, but I dont even know what I made...I was gonna just dump it down the sink, but I dont wanna cause harm to anyone/thing...

Offline camptzak

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You probably created a lot of things. and those crystals are probably composed of a lot of things. from the conditions you described, one of the vapors was chlorine gas.  and other chlorinated ammonia products which you do not want to inhale at all!

Chemistry is fun but can be very dangerous even if you know what your doing... and if you dont know what your doing its more that dangerous, its suicidal.

First off. you need to take general chemistry classes, which are available at schools near you. This part of your education should take about a year assuming you have some math ability.

Then you have to take Organic Chemistry classes, but most importantly, you have to read the text along with your class. Read the text book about 10-15 times cover to cover. This part of your education should take about 1-2 years.

Then you should sign up for introductory lab courses, which often times can be taught simulatneously with your organic classes.

After this it is advisable you learn Physical chemistry along with Calculus based physics, Inorganic Chemistry, and learn different types of analytical methods. This will probably take another year or so.

Then, In a lab, you can begin your research! and you can slam all different sorts of compounds into eachother! hooray!

"Chance favors the prepared mind"
-Louis Pasteur

Offline sjb

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Well, even though I am obviously not welcome here, I hope your ethics allow you to answer me this at least.  How should I dispose of the yield of the second reaction?  I would google it, but I dont even know what I made...I was gonna just dump it down the sink, but I dont wanna cause harm to anyone/thing...

Why do you think that (my emphasis added to your post)? Because you'd had but one reply after 30 minutes of your OP? Not everyone is awake or at a computer at the same time as you.

Offline billnotgatez

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The synthesis of Nitrogen triiodide is a compound we do not discuss here

you can find many other sites that do

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