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Topic: New Grad Students  (Read 37352 times)

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Offline Jorriss

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Re: New Grad Students
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2012, 10:40:30 AM »
Thanks for replying about the chem GRE.

Study your general chemistry and organic chemistry books really well. Know your lab techniques. Know the basic p chem formulas and the know point groups.

Jorriss- what are "the know point groups"? I've never heard of those before, although if that's a topic from advanced inorganic I've yet to take that class.

My guess is that "Know the basic p chem formulas and the know point groups" was intended to read either "Know the basic p chem formulas and know the point groups" or "Know the basic p chem formulas and the known point groups". I've never heard of "the know point groups" either.


Yes, that should read 'know the point groups.'

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