I'm attempting the synthesis (hopefully) drawn below, based on a JOC paper (1992, p3916) which uses primary and secondary alkylamines, instead of IDA. Those products simply precipitated from the aqueous reaction mixture, but this has not been the case when using IDA. I'm thinking the reaction has not taken place, but I can't figure how to follow the reaction, outside of MS to detect if the product is present, or NMR to observe the unique hydroxyl-adjacent proton peak. Neither are convenient. Nothing moves on TLC of course.
I am now thinking that protecting IDA may help the nucleophilicity of the amine? as well as possibly being able to use a less polar solvent? Any suggestions to get this moving are much appreciated.
Also, this is my first post here, so if anything is incomplete or outside conventions, please don't hesitate to mention it. Thanks in advance.