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Topic: Paralysing the somatic nervous system  (Read 3449 times)

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Paralysing the somatic nervous system
« on: September 01, 2012, 08:00:56 PM »
In the movie Law Abiding Citizen, theres a scene where a guy gets paralysed by a puffer fish toxin I think it was (maybe tetrodotoxin) and the guy who paralysed him explained that "the toxin completely disables your ability to move your muscles but it leaves all the other neurological functions intact so you feel everything". Are there drugs that will cause paralysis without analgesia? Tetrodotoxin causes paralysis but its mechanism of action is it blocks voltage gated sodium channels which is the same thing that local anasthetics like procaine does so I'm guessing it completely numbs the person so they can't feel any pain. Curare paralyses both the somatic and autonomic nervous system and if I'm not mistaken, it does this by blocking ACh receptors. If I'm not mistaken, curare is actually used as an anesthetic so I'm guessing it numbs the patients ability to feel pain. The idea of being paralysed but being able to feel pain is a bit disturbing to me. I get sleep paralysis regularly and I can feel physical sensations while in it. I can pull myself out of sleep paralysis but with drug induced paralysis you couldn't just pull yourself out of it.

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Re: Paralysing the somatic nervous system
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 09:53:33 AM »
Succinylcholine HCl is the compound to fuel your fears ;)

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