I have a question related to DNA binding proteins. The question is:
You want to purify a DNA binding protein that is involved in regulating oncogene expression in certain cancers.
a) What range of pI values would you expect for a DNA binding protein?
b) Name two different chromatographic techniques that you would use to purify this protein and provide a brief justification for your choices.
For a), I'm just a little confused as to how to determine that. Would the pI value of the binding protein be around the DNA pI? I'm just not sure how to approach this at all.
For b), I'm thinking that the negative charge of DNA is important, and we talked about chromatography methods a lot in class, so ion-exchange chromatography makes sense to me for one choice, but I'm unsure as to whether gel filtration or affinity chromatography would the proper second choice.
If you have any insight, let me know!