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Topic: Kinetics: What are the values of d[reactant]/dt if overall rate is given?  (Read 2516 times)

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Offline Minerva

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C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 --> 6CO2(g) + 6H2O (l)

Assuming that none of the intermmediates have appreciable concentrations, what are the values of d[C6H12O6]/dt, d[O2]/dt, d[CO2]/dt, and d[H2O]/dt, given that the overall rate is 2.4x10^-4mol/L*s.

-d[C6H12O6]/dt = -1/6d[O2]/dt = 1/6d[CO2]/dt = 1/6d[H2O]/dt which is the same as k[C6H12O6][O2]^6. Right? k is 2.4x10^-4 mol/Ls.

Do I have to use the product over reactant equilibrium equation? k=[CO2]^6[H2O]^6 / [glucose][O2}^6

But how am I suppose to solve it if there aren't any concentrations given?

Thank you.

Offline Babcock_Hall

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Re: Kinetics: What are the values of d[reactant]/dt if overall rate is given?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 09:05:28 AM »
The units of the rate constant of a first-order reaction are (seconds)-1.  I think that the question is ambiguous unless one more clearly defines what one means by the rate.  Is it appearance of a certain product, or is it disappearance of the reactant.

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