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Topic: Production of Hydrazine  (Read 1672 times)

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Production of Hydrazine
« on: October 25, 2012, 04:08:36 PM »

This is my first thread. I am a 4th year chemical engineering student and we are involved with designing a hydrazine plant. We chose the Peroxide Process. We are having great difficulties finding kinetics data for the Hydrolysis of Methyl Ethyl ketazine. Any help would be greatly appreciated with finding this data. We have looked through every Patent possible and couldn't find anything. Since we found no information we decided to replace the MEK with Acetone. We have found kinetics data for the hydrolysis of Acetone azine, but we can't find anything on the first reactor, which would be Acetone, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and acetamide.

Any kinetics data for the following 2 scenarios, (Acetone reactor, MEK hydrolysis) would be great


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