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Topic: Who is the electron sink in Cu(s) | Cu2+ || Cl– | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)  (Read 2578 times)

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Offline Burningkrome

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So, I’m very frustrated. I've been reading  this tutorial…

…thinking I’m understanding it completely; until I get to the following question. The answer in the book is either completely wrong, or I've completely misunderstood everything.

The question is, which way is the electron flow traveling in the following electrochemical cell equation?

Cu(s) | Cu2+ || Cl | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)

- (The left to right format of the equation is supposed to be arbitrary and not an indicator)
- The equation is at Std ATM of 1 and 25oC.
- The electrolytes solutions contain existing concentrations of Cl- and Cu2+.

In the book, the author states the electrons are being withdrawn from Cu (anode) and traveling to Ag (cathode).

I think it should be the other way around.

Here’s why. The Eo of Cu(s)/Cu+2 is +0.337 and "AgCl/Ag(s) Cl-" = +0.222. Based on the standard reduction potentials table in the book, this means Cu2+ is a significantly greater electron receptor than AgCl. The author also states that any reducing agent that lays in the table “above” (lower voltage potential couple) an oxidizing agent can (will?) provide electrons to that oxidizing agent.

Well, the "AgVl/Ag(s) Cl-" couple is a lower voltage potential ("higher" in the table at +0.222) than the "Cu(s)/Cu2+" couple. 

So, shouldn't Cu2+ end up working as the electron sink (being reduced)?


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Re: Who is the electron sink in Cu(s) | Cu2+ || Cl– | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2012, 05:04:08 AM »
In general you are right, although exact details will depend on the concentration of Cl-.
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Re: Who is the electron sink in Cu(s) | Cu2+ || Cl– | AgCl(s) | Ag(s)
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 02:03:41 AM »
In the book, the author states the electrons are being withdrawn from Cu (anode) and traveling to Ag (cathode).

Means through the wire not through the solution. Silver is more noble as copper, so therefor copper Cu2+ get dissolved, electrons will remain on that electrode (Anode) and travel through the wire to silver electrode and catch silver ions.

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