For this question
I know how to solve it using the Nernst equation
Ecell=E0cell -0.0592/z * log10 Kc
Ecell=E0cell -0.0592/z * log10 Kc
Ecell=2.48 -0.0592/z * log10 [[0.01]*[0.01]^2/[10^-5]^4]
..where 10^-5 is the H+ concentration and is found by 10^[-ph]
My only problem is that it appears the z value is 2, but I am not sure how to work out this value.I found this
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120318164407AADD11Zbut it seems like a very long method and I am not sure why he did certain steps , for example : after adding the half reactions together he then took half reactions of the equation again.
I found the original question online
http://malaysia.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100316212226AAotBc1 and that gives n=2 .. but I am not sure how the answerer worked that out.
Thank you