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Topic: Bleaching Lab (Hydrogen peroxide)  (Read 1526 times)

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Bleaching Lab (Hydrogen peroxide)
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:16:35 PM »
You are working in a paper-factory and realize that the paper is not bleached enough. Customers complain. There are several ways of improving the bleaching process which makes the reaction to go faster. However you do not know which would be most cost effective, but you have several theories. Describe how you would set up a lab to test which method would be the cheapest.

Okay, I know it has to be with Hydrogen peroxide and the factors that determines a faster reaction is:

Somewhat neutral pH
Temperature of around 50-70 celsius

That's all I know, did I forget something?

But I have no idea how to estimate the cost, how do you do that? And how do you make a description of how I will set up my lab?

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