In the Complex CaMn4O5, the O(5) is 4times coordinated.
The O(3) and O(1) are each 3 times coordinated.
What i dont understand, is the Bonding to O(5) and to O(3).
The O in these cases would be hypervalent?
How can one imagine this Bond? (is O donating its lonepairs to the Mn metall?)
[Mn4O2]2- would have charge 2-. The Mn would be a d7 system. would be the lonepairs of Oxygen be coordinated to the Mn metall? But then O(5) wouldnt have enough Lonepairs.
or let the question put also that way: in which chemical Theory/Chapter i could also find the answers for that bonding?
corresponing image:
By the way its said, taht Mn1 and Mn2 are connected through di-mu-oxo-bridges.
what does it mean a di-mu-oxo bridge?
and it would say that Mn1 and Mn2 are connected through two di-mu-oxo bridges.
Then Mn4 and Mn1 would be connected through only one di-mu-oxo bridge?
Picture from Y. Umena et All. (Nature)
with regards