Oh okay. So for reaction A
B, rate=k1[A]= [itex]\frac{d[B ]}{dt}[/itex]
Then same for reaction A
C, rate=k2[A]= [itex]\frac{d[C]}{dt}[/itex]
So [itex]\frac{d[B ]}{d[C]}=\frac{B}{C}=\frac{k_1}{k_2}=10[/itex]
However, does this not consider the backward reaction that is always taking place too? So while A
B, wouldn't B
A happen at the same time? Albeit the backward rate is quite slow, how to account for this?
Also I don't really get the thing about the 4 minutes. Why 4 minutes??? How will it affect... The second part of the problem states that estimate the product ratio B/C after 4days (when supposedly the reaction is in equilibrium... but how could one know?)
Sorry, I'm really noob... Thank yoU!