A solution contains 32.5g of CaCl2 dissolved in 250g of water. Calculate the freezing point of this solution. Assume the equation Change in Tf = -1.86m is valid.
The following question is exactly the same but changing out CaCl2 NaCl.
In closing which is the better deicer due to the previous data?
My next question is which has the lowest freezing point assuming densities equal 1.0g/ml. My problems lies with the units of measurement (circle one)
A. 1.0g Urea/liter
B. 0.2% urea
C. 0.1 M urea
A. 0.1 M urea
B. 0.1 M ethanol(nonelectrolyte)
C. 0.1 M KCL
A. 10g NaCl/liter
B. 10g KCL/liter
C. 10g urea/liter