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Topic: Where can I get formula to make Primar  (Read 3163 times)

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Where can I get formula to make Primar
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:21:16 AM »
Hi All,

I am new in this forum and i want to know the formulation of Primer (used to paint exterior ).
I am from india and want to start manufacturing of this, but i want to know the exact and easy way to procure it. does any one help here can i find formulation of PRIMER.

Thank you in Advance.

Offline Arkcon

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Re: *delete me*!! Where can I get formula to make Primar
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 09:43:00 AM »
Hi All,

Greetings to you as well.

I am new in this forum and i want to know the formulation of Primer (used to paint exterior ).

This is a problem right away.  You're asking for a formulation, a mixture.  We try to help students with chemical reactions, either simple or advanced, but you want to manufacture a complex product.  That's not just chemistry, or even chemical engineering, but instead diverse topics, like a recipe for a complex dish.  The topic isn't quantitative enough for use to help.

I am from india and want to start manufacturing of this, but i want to know the exact and easy way to procure it. does any one help here can i find formulation of PRIMER.

Do you mean the generic concept of a paint primer, or do you mean some commercial product called Primer by brand name?  Of course, we could never help you replicate a commercial product exactly, if we could, that would (almost but not absolutely) be like stealing so you can't just ask for it. 

If you want a generic primer paint, you don't seem to know what is is -- primer is an undercoat paint.  Its formulated with superior binding and covering characteristics, to whatever substrate you have, lets say wood or metal -- they are different, you can't use one for the other.  Primer also has superior binding to other paints, primer forms a "thirsty" surface for the next layers of paint.  Primer usually comes in very basic colors -- often just white, brown or red --  because you're not supposed to see it, you're supposed to cover it with other paint.  And primer doesn't have good wear characteristics, the primers I've used have a "fluffy" texture, you absolutely have to cover them with other paint.  And primers aren't just for exterior, you need them for interior pints jobs too, and of course, interior primer can't be used for exterior.  And it wouldn't surprise me if exterior paints in India are formulated differently than paints used in the US, or Northern Europe, given the differences in climate.

Thank you in Advance.

You're welcome, but you have much, much more work to do before you can start whipping up a batch.  You might want to talk to local professionals, and see what they know about these topics.  The people of India have been painting things, for example, vast stone temple sculptures, since back when  Europeans were only painting their bodies to go to war.  Traditional cultural ideas may be a useful start for you.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline billnotgatez

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Re: Where can I get formula to make Primar
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 09:49:55 AM »

WIKI and GOOGLE can be your friend

It appears that you might benefit by rereading forum rules


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Re: Where can I get formula to make Primar
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 10:50:39 AM »
Thanks guys,

I have done study and find out that i have to make "red iron oxide". now i am looking how to make this myself.
If you can suggest me then Please.

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