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Topic: Shape Memory Alloy – dSPACE?, mathematical model?, sensors? robustness of contro  (Read 3653 times)

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Offline EngEng

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I see one very short notice that is interesting me, this notice talk about Shape Memory Alloy ("smart material") Actuator experimental setup controlled by means of a dSPACE rapid prototyping system (based Matlab / Simulink).
I will glad to receive any information about this like information for these questions that all of them are related to this subject:
1. What is the dSPACE software and how it related to Shape Memory Alloy in cars?
2. What is the validating the system's mathematical model and identifying its parameters in this subject?
3. What sensors can be used in this thing?
4. What is robustness of control algorithm to parameters' variations in this subject?
5. What lab tests can be related to this subject?

Offline EngEng

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Shape memory alloy + materials sentences for small poster
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 12:28:43 PM »
What are the austenite phase and the martensite phase and how the change between them and how it correlated to shape memory alloy?
I do a small poster with several pictures about materials, and I search after funny sentence or important sentence that someone tells about material subject.

Offline EngEng

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materials, shape memory alloy and energy
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 01:48:46 AM »
I search after technologies that chemical engineering are involve and are related to these things:
1. I search after information for materials (like materials for vehicles / planes / boats / robots or other technologies devices)
2. I search after information of shape memory alloy
3. I search after information for energy (like new applications that related to energies for vehicles / planes / boats / robots or others things that related to energy for technologies devices)

Offline Arkcon

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EngEng:  I've merged your similar topics into one thread.  I'm sorry you haven't gotten responses to your questions, but the topic may simply be too technical for most posters.  However:

Here are the Wikipedia pages for martensite and autenite:

These are huge pages, and relate to a variety of topics -- from general steel making to specific crystalline forms in all metals.  No one's coming to this forum with al that information in their head, with the intention of summarizing it for your application.  See if there are references in those articles that can help you learn what you need to know.  And maybe you can try a more directed question.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

Offline curiouscat

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Re: Shape memory alloy + materials sentences for small poster
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2013, 06:20:40 AM »
I do a small poster with several pictures about materials, and I search after funny sentence or important sentence that someone tells about material subject.

Why don't you show us this poster first?

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