Which of the following procedures will differentiate between solid sodium sulfite and solid sodium sulfate?
I. Make solutions of each and look for precipiates when added to 0.10M Ba(NO
2II. Add crystals of each to 0.10M HCl and look for bubbles
III. Make solutions of each and test with a pH indicator.
a) I
b) III
c) I, II
d) II, III
So I know III is correct, so it must be b or d. But then, I figured that it would be
42- + 2H
+ H
2O + SO
32- + 2H
+ H
2O + SO
2Also, for choice I, I know it's not right (because I know the answer to the MC question), so that must mean that both BaSO
4 [which I already know is insoluble] and BaSO
3 are insoluble. Is it safe to assume as a general rule than an insoluble -ate will also make an insoluble -ite?
For example, can the same generalization be made about Cu(ClO
2 and Cu(ClO
2? I know that all chlorates are soluble, but does that all perchlorates are soluble? I don't think it is. So does this work on a case-by-case basis then?
Thanks in advance!