I've just finished data treatment of my first practice, in which I determinated the value of Kf to the equilibrium reaction SCN- + Fe3+ <----> FeSCN2+
And my result was an average of K = 485.3
It is logical, but I do not know where can I find the accepted mean value for this. I've tried Googleing before going to check any book out, to see if I am close or not, and on the internet I've found vaules from 100 to 800. So the result appears to be logical, but I do not know where can I find the "accepted" value to compare with in my report discussion.
For my other 2 lab experiments I'm gonna need aswell the dissociation acetylsalicylic acid constant (Ka), I think this one is gonna be easier to find, but if you can tell me where and how can I find it, would be nice.
My third experiment was about determinating the reaction rate constant of this hydrolisis reaction:
Ethyl acetate + NaOH ---> Ethanol + Sodium acetate
I guess that, like my teacher said, Its almost impossible to compare the result of this experiment with any literature given value. Is this true? I suppose I can do a similarity comparision with any value, if its the case, would you enlighten me about how can I find that value?