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Topic: Best route to working in USA?  (Read 3045 times)

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Best route to working in USA?
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:10:15 PM »
So basically I am an Irish chemistry student, finishing college in the next 4 weeks. I was on a working holiday (not chemistry-related worked) last summer to Boston and I absolutely loved everything about it. I want to go back to the US to work for a while in an area related to me degree, maybe a year or two (or three??).

At the moment I'm considering getting a MSc or MEng in chemical engineering, but what I'm wondering is: How difficult will it be for me to get a visa and a fairly good job in America? I would be interested in any QA or QC roles, maybe analytics or somesuch,  or obviously chemical engineering.

I would imagine it's almost impossible to get a company to sponsor my visa to the USA?

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