Since carbonic acid is a weak acid and is formed from relatively
common elements as H, C and O
I took a handful of Activated Charcoal and put it in a glass and
poured in some water. Then I put in some aged whisky, which is
a mixture of CH3COOH (a weak acid with low pH) CH3COC2H5 [(ethyl ethanoate) a stable ester]
and C2H5OH (ethanol) what gives wine its familiar taste.
Then I filtered the mixture into a funnel cropped with folded paper and allowed the liquid to drip. I ended up
with a colorless solution; totally different from the original solution which was totally black and
blurry due to the Activated Charcoal.
The solution is aqueous because it contains myriads of OH(-) and H(+) left about by the reactions of the alcohols and carboxylic acids in whisky.
I meant to separate it through enthalpy by immersing a bottle of the mixture/solution into a warm
bath, maybe the differences in temperature will evaporate the volatile elements in the