The only method I remember of adding alkyl groups to a benzene is Friedel-Crafts, but that doesn't work on deactivated rings from what I have learned.
I'm looking to form: benzene.
The isopropyl group forms from rearrangement of n-propane due to carbocation stability issues, and that can be added reacting propyl chloride and AlCl3 with benzene. But then that would activate the ring, and I won't get my desired meta-director.
On the other hand, if I react an acyl chloride / AlCl3 and benzene I
would get a meta-director, but then I wouldn't know how to add the isopropyl group. Not only that, but I wouldn't be sure on how to cleave the ethyl group that would form after removing the oxygen by Wolff-Kishner reduction.
I'm not allowed to utilize the Gatterman-Koch reaction to form benzaldehyde since that was not covered in class.
Assuming I do has both the isopropyl group and methyl group meta to each other, then I still would have the issue of NBS/heat favoring the bromination the isopropyl group rather than the methyl group because of free-radical stability.
Any ideas on how to tackle the problem?
Thanks for the read / help.