Harjani et al., Green Chemistry 2009, 11, 83-90 looks to be related to your work. They use several counterions including PF
6. This article might be a follow-up:
http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2008/GC/b800534fIn the supporting information of this paper, there is also some pertinent material: Anion-Templated Assembly of Pseudorotaxanes: Importance of Anion Template, Strength of Ion-Pair Thread Association,
and Macrocycle Ring Size. Mark R. Sambrook,† Paul D. Beer,*,† James A. Wisner,†,‡ Rowena L. Paul,†
Andrew R. Cowley,† Fridrich Szemes,† and Michael G. B. Drew§ J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2005, 127, 2292-2302.