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Topic: Free energy of Mixture  (Read 2372 times)

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Free energy of Mixture
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:37:19 PM »
Good, I am new for the forum and it wanted to know if someone can help me with the following problem

For a regular solution in which the components have molecules of the same size, the free energy of mixture is:
ΔGM=RT (n1LnX1+n2lnX2)+(n1+n2) X1X2w

Where n denotes the quantity of components, X is the fraction to like and w is a parameter that measures the diversion of the law of raoult. Show that for such solutions, the chemical potentials are given for:

μ11°+RT lnX1+wX22

μ22°+RT lnX2+wX21

Since I can deduce an equation to estimate the coefficients of activity of the components in the dissolution

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