I produce craft herbal medicines and for me extracting ALL of the constituents out of the herbs is really important, so the reflux process really caught my attention vs cold percolation/maceration etc.
However, I have run into a few stumbling blocks that really slow my progress down:
The extractor only yields about 25g of material. Although the soxhlet extractor is capable of holding 500ml volume I can really only fit 25g or so worth of material in the apparatus at a time; I could have however potentially fit more but I am concerned that filling the chamber above the siphon arm would decrease the extraction process.
The process is time consuming. Although I know the entire process is built upon extracting the material until there is nothing left to yield, Is their a faster process?
So my questions are basically:1A: Do they have an apparatus that is able to hold a larger quantity of material, say 100G of powdered herbs.
2A: Is there a more efficient (time wise AND total extraction) process for extraction of larger quantities of material than Soxhlet for the garage chemist?
Thank You!