Hello everybody, first I would like to apologize if this is not the place for my topic! I really hit the rock bottom with this issue. For couple of weeks I am trying to produce a stable solution of WCl6 dissolved in Ethanol + water solution. I tried different sequences for putting the solutes, but I can't reach a stable solution. I tried also heating at 50 - 60 degrees Celsius, but with the same result. Do anybody know, or have any bodie tried, this kind of mixture before, and could anybody please give me some hints on the dissolution process. The main problem, is the fact, I am not a chemist, I am physicist, and afterwords when I have this solution, I would like to prepare a thin solid film of WO3 (using spray pyrolysis). Usually I am using different methods of preparation, but for my thesis I will have to use also this preparation technique...
Thank you all in advance, will really appreciate some *delete me*