I am supposed to determine the LUMO and HOMO of hydrogen perodixde and DME and also which LUMO and HOMO that is higher in energy. This is what I have come up with this far:
Hydrogen peroxide
σO-O (much lower than sp3 for oxygen)
σO-H (lower than 1s for hydrogen)
sp3O (non bonding pairs)
σ*O-O (much higher than sp3 for oxygen)
σ*O-H (higher than sp3 for oxygen)
Conclusions: σ*O-H is LUMO. The free pairs of the oxygen are the HOMOs.
σC-O (lower than sp3 for oxygen)
σC-H (lower than 1s for hydrogen)
sp3O (non bonding pairs)
σ*C-O (relatively much higher than sp3 for carbon)
σ*C-H (higher than sp3 for carbon)
Conclusions: σ*C-H is LUMO. The free pair of the oxygen are still HOMOs.
However, the solutions we have been given says that σ*O-O and σ*C-O are the LUMOs. So, what's wrong this far? And how should I determine which is the highest LUMO and highest HOMO?