I have to perform one reaction for which i-PrNO2 is used (I guess as a solvent). As I need only about 10 mL, and we are able to buy only a bulk quantity (not less than 500 mL), I decided to prepare it according to the following procedure:
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jo00277a030?prevSearch=cephems&searchHistoryKey=described on the page 3911. Now, I did everything in the procedure as described, except that the quantities were reduced by factor 10 and I used a simple baloon-syringe equipment to introduce nitrogen as atmosphere instead of using classic gas bubbler.
I obtained around 60 mL of straw-colored oily liquid, however I have two issues:
the liquid is greatly unstable when exposed to atmospheric conditions and it emits NO2 when exposed to air. Shouldn't i-PrNO2 be a stable ester which does not break so easily? I also noticed just while googleing that it is used as a drug "poppers" by some people, together with other alkyl nitrites, and now I'm even more skeptical if I obtained the right compound (the NMR is unavailable to me for a next couple of days).
second question regards to the vacuum distillation. I was told that I should purify the compound, but I never performed this distillation, and I'm not sure if it's recommended to do it, given the evolution of NO2 and low flash point. Any suggestions.
I would also like to ask when (or why) is i-PrNO2 used as a solvent? Why specifically it? Is there something better that could substitute it?