This is my first post on Chem Forums after some lurking. My knowledge of chemistry is very limited but it does interest me to learn more.
Note: I'm not actually doing any of this, it is purely for educational purposes.
Suppose one were to try and extract morphine from a few kilograms of unwashed poppy seed. From what I can gather, one could yield up to 500mg of morphine per kilogram of unwashed seed.
I will outline a hypothetical step by step, I could use input from more experienced chemists.
1. Mix seed in water in a large container and shake vigorously to free alkaloids from the outside of the seeds. (Should I lower the pH of the water with lemon juice if the ultimate goal is to get morphine?)
2. Strain seeds from water to obtain a solution containing morphine and various other alkaloids. Do I need to boil off the solution if there is a lot of water?
3. Should I add Calcium hydroxide to convert morphine into water-soluble Calcium Morphenate? (If C. Hydroxide is used, should one skip the lemon juice in step 1?) Strain again to remove insoluble particulates.
4. Add Ammonium Chloride until pH of solution is 8.5 to allow Calcium morphenate to precipitate. Strain off liquid to leave behind a crude morphine base.
5. Add Hydrochloric acid to yield Morphine hydrochloride. How much hydrochloric acid is needed per the weight of the morphine base and how dilute should it be.
Any help or better method is appreciated. I hope I have not broken the rules. Remember this is all hypothetical.