As moderator for this Citizen Chemist board I support home science.
But, I want you to really make sure you keep safety in mind.
You do not state what country you are in or
if you are in the USA what state you are in
Some states in the USA restrict glassware possession
and some chemicals are more restricted based on location.
It may be best to wait until you get your books and then plan you glassware and hardware needs around the experiments you selected.
The links below may give you ideas as to what hardware and glassware you may want above links list hardware and glassware based on the book
"Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments" by Robert Thompson
Think safety and think it in advance
Ventilation, protection, first aid, fire safety etc
Advanced chemistry may need special environments but just starting off there is lots to do without the need for extensive preparation.
For instance
crystal chemistry
dye chemistry
and more
Look at the sticky threads at the beginning of this Citizen Chemist forum
Although some of the content is old and I should do some editing there are gems of information there
Also if you search the entire Chemical Forums you may get other ideas
Be Safe