I was wondering what mixtures or substances can be made with these household chemicals:
5% Hydrogen Peroxide
Medicinal Iodine diluted
Drano regular
Isopropyl Alcohol
Clindamycin in Duonalc skin treatment liquid mixture (one bottle, from the store)
Chlorhexidine Gluconate
and Aluminum Foil
I was testing some combinations outside today, and the best I could see was just a few interesting things happening, although I have no idea what yet.
A mixture of hydrogen peroxide (hp) with drano produced a quick-acting white foam which was produced
Iodine mixed in drop-by-drop with hydrogen peroxide, the iodine droplets seemed to violently dissolve into the hp, leaving a slowly browning-solution that increasingly darkened with each additional drop
If the iodine was added to the hydrogen peroxide + drano foam, the foam somewhat violently fizzled away
Isopropyl alcohol added to this mixture seemed to produce the same effect on the foam
Anyways, I was wondering what interesting things can be produced with these household items. Thanks for you *delete me*
Also, if there's any other interesting combination of household items you can add, please feel free to do so. You can also list any cautionary measures which you think prudent if you wish with the corresponding mixtures.