Is there any table to ionic bond energy and length somewhere? I found just covalent table.
bond length and bond energy don't correlate well with "ionic" substances
one of the reasons is, that even for the most extreme example for "ionic" bonds - lithiumfluoride LiF - you still have additional like ~ 40% covalent bond not related to distance of charges (this distance being the only source of energy release for theoretically "pure" ionic bonds)
hence, such a table would be of little use in my opinion
For example: how many H2O needed to break an NaCl?
twelve, if memory serves, in the first line of hydratisation
however, if you look at the data for a saturated NaCl solution at 20°C, 9 might be sufficient, too
... but that's somewhat debateable, as this wouldn't be a solution of ions in water, but in solvatized ions instead
what is the attraction strength of a bipolar molecule like H2O?
this depends on the question from which side your monopole will come, and how far it is away.
the rest is pure physics: calculation of the force between a monopole and a dipole of known dipole momentum