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Topic: Some direction  (Read 1194 times)

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Some direction
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:00:34 PM »
I am going to ask a few questions but I would appreciate over all this a recommendation for textbooks. I know to the side on this very site they have a few options however I would like some directionality so I can move forward in an appropriate manner.

Here is where I am at.

So the orbitals are volumes that the electron can inhabit S requires least energy, then you have P which share some of the volume of S but also has a node; to me this means that if an electron has slightly more energy it is potentially going to be existing in the mathematical volume represented by the P orbital.

I am going to separate these two because it gets very questionable after this point.

It seems to me that the electron could easily avoid the node by releasing itself in and out of the P/S orbital, however, there must be something to the columbic force I do not know (at this point to me it is just as simple as all protons attract all electrons only difference is distance) because from what I understand if the electron is higher energy it must (Insert Proper Reason Here) follow the volume for P if it is to use P's extra distance.

Is this in keeping with reality? And where should I head (in regards to texts)?
Everything I will say on this forum is done in the hopes that if someone reads it and has a critique or a correction they will aid me by letting me know.

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