What is the product name
maybe we can use
Specification sheets from chemical company
People usually get negative snacks because it appears they have violated forum rules.
For instance, the rule that states for you to present some of the work you have already done to answer the question so we can help you further
for instance, you could have GOOGLEd
soluble starch
and found this definition and asked us to help you understand it.
: a modified starch that is capable of dissolving in hot water to give a limpid solution and is formed from raw starch esp. by relatively mild treatment with acids, by oxidation, or by heating with glycerol
Since, you did not do something like this someone may give you a negative snack
(But I am not going to).
Part of being a citizen scientist is to do research which includes reading research.
If you are not a citizen scientist and are just a person off the street with a question, it is better to state that in your question. That way we can try to answer the questions in layman terms.
If the question requires lots of background knowledge in science and chemistry we may direct you to links that will help fill in the background, rather than type several pages of information in a response.
Regards bill