at one level the statement that you've made could be considered correct. Two phrases in the statement motivated me to reply.
1) "before any research has taken place"
2) "conclusive"
1) In your statement you said that an hypothesis is an educated guess. How is it an educated? The education comes from previous research. The research may be ones own or from literature review. For example, if I want to test an hypothesis that the average nitrate levels at a stormsewer outlet are different (a two-way) or higher (a one-way) than that of the means from different locations on a lake, I need some previous data. The previous data would allow me to design my experiment (the number of replicates, the power, and my type I error, etc) to test that hypothesis. I find that by answering one hypothesis, I create a new hypothesis or hypotheses. In a sense, research begets research. Reading literature is a crucial part to this entire process.
2) "conclusive" is a big word to use in science. It means final or decisive. Science can rarely be 100% correct, there is always a chance for error. It can be statistically significant, but save conclusive for the lawyer tv shows. There are theories that have been found to be wrong. There are several theories out there for the same phenomenon. A theory arises from several consistent and reproducible experiments. In some sense a theory is living. It expands and contracts as more and more research is done on it. Hopefully, if the research was done correctly, the "true" answer will found within its boundaries.