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Topic: Definition of Organic Chemistry  (Read 3301 times)

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Definition of Organic Chemistry
« on: March 11, 2006, 09:08:59 AM »
Why does Organic Chemistry exclude carbides, carbonates, and carbon oxides?

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Re:Definition of Organic Chemistry
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2006, 10:16:45 AM »
By historical reasons the chemistry of the chemical element carbon and its compounds(divergent chemistry route for example total synthesis of aspirin from coals:) has slowed by bioorganic chemistry research(for example carbonisation of sugar and so researcher made elemental analyze this compound)...My personal opinion for the subject of Organic chemistry to be the element carbon itself(including all alotropic forms-graphite, carbine, diamond, fullerenes and so on) and theirs compounds including the mentioned by you "simple" compounds like CO,CO2, carbonate salts, carbides, cyanides and so on..Of course theres no reson  such compounds to be also and subject of General and Inorganic chemistry when no idea for synthesis with them present in the researcher(or theoretician) head  ;D
I have always shamed by colegues which hypocritically and with no known reasons exclude from organic chemistry for example such a "simple" and beautiful compound like CO without ever knowing for the semipolar structure of C-O bond and the incredible reactivity it as 1/5 of the total Industrial organic synthesis is based on reactions of hydroformylation as the well known Reppe process and so on...
If i ever write Organic chemistry book(it will never happen:) my first chapter will become with chemistry of the element carbon to which the book will outstand the papers structure and properties to absorb the ink. My second chapter will be chemistry of C(II) compounds and if not retired to its end the C(IV) chapters will transcribe from some of the meny autorities.

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