I have been quesioned as to whether or not this thread should be posted as inorganic but I thought that this following X-Ray data would help explain why I have chosen to post it here.
This looks to me like there is a lot more inorganic interaction between the Silver and the nitrate. I would have picked up these N-O-Ag bonds as short contacts but the automated refinement software has suggested bonds.
A cif checker has picked this up as an alert level G
Note: Polymeric structures can be legitimate or due to an erroneous structure analysis.
Personally I think this is erroneous but I woud like the opinion of an inorganic chemist.
Note that the structure below has been modified to omit some of the atoms.
The second attachment was taken from:
N. C. Baenziger
et al Metal-Olefin Compounds. VIII. The Crystal Structure of a Norbornadiene-Silver Nitrate Complex, C
Inorg. Chem., 1966, 5 (
, pp 1399–1400
DOI: 10.1021/ic50042a025