I am sorry but I modified my post after you answered my post
But if you read the text in the link it says
In a real world Kw value is highly temperature dependent
You can also look at WIKI
for discussions on calculations
And as yet we have not seen your work on this question
Have you read the forum rules?
sorry I just read them =)
Well the original question is(I'm translating it into English forgive me if there are any mistakes)
"In a HCl solution pH=2, temperature is 30°C.
What is the pOH value if you keep the same solution in an environment of 25°
(In 25°C pKw=14)"
And I thought that pH doesn't depend on the temperature and I thought that the answer should be 12

Well I know what happens to Kw with the variations of the temperature but I was wondering whether the temperature really affects the pH value of the HCl solution.