We used to have this problem all the time. The conclusion was that it arose when there was too much benzophenone in the still (i.e. the concentration was too high).
The only solution we came up with was to remake the still, unfortunately. The key is to only add a tiny amount of benzophenone when you make the still up - I think we used to use perhaps 1 tablespoon of benzophenone for 4 litres of THF (and that was probably too much, too!). With that little amount, you could refill the still perhaps 5 times before it'd be dead (with sufficient sodium, of course!).
Also, you should always reflux the THF for some time before adding the benzophenone, to ensure it is dry and oxygen free - our THF was a bit crappy (even from a fresh bottle), so we always refluxed the still for a minimum of 12 hours (or better two 12 hour periods over 2 days - never leave it to reflux unattended!) before adding the benzophenone.