I am currently dabbling in pottery, ceramics, and glass making. We are looking to make mixtures and side groups using silica and alumina with other compounds. For instance, the sludge left behind after making a glaze is of interest and we want to reduce some of the water and dissolved compounds to make the glaze more usable. All we are doing is similar to common practice but we are trying to get rid of the water and unwanted by means other than waiting for it to evaporate. If you have done some pottery or glass making you might have better idea of what the traditional methods are like. I can discuss here or in IM with you, if you need a better handle on the process. And, I appreciate you responding.
I really appreciate your insight and thank you for enlightening me. It really helped.
@anyone who is interested
We were looking at doing filtering without ever thinking of centrifuge. Sometimes, you can not see the forest for the trees. So at this point, we are going to get a used centrifuge. That way we keep costs down and just tinker. We do not need perfect at this point. Later when we move from the test tube to larger amounts we will have to get more serious about the process.
Still, given the problem, any technology etc. you might think will help us please post. I surely do not know all that is out there and sometimes GOOGLE and WIKI are not enough.