Hello, I have the following practice question of a 13C NMR spectrum depicting the carbonyl region of [W(CO)4[P(OMe)3](SPh)]-. My job is to propose an isomer for it.
I have looked up the following information:
Spin = 1/2
Isotopic Abundance = 99.98%
gyromagnetic ratio = 26.8
quadrupole moment = 0
Spin = 1/2
Isotopic abundance = 100%
gyromagnetic ratio = 10.8
quadrupole moment = 0
Spin = 1/2
Isotopic abundance = 14.4%
gyromagnetic ratio = 1.1
quadrupole moment = 0
Spin = 3/2
Isotopic abundance = 0.76%
gyromagnetic ratio = 2.1
quadrupole moment = 6.78
Spin = 5/2
Isotopic abundance = 0.04%
gyromagnetic ratio = -3.6
quadrupole moment = -2.56
I don't expect the oxygen and sulfur atoms to be visible due to their reduced relaxation times from their quadrupole moment in a non-centrosymmetric molecule.
My best guess so far was that (I drew this into the attached image):
The two left peaks belong to one carbonyl split into a doublet
The two right peaks belong respectively to one carbonyl shifted slightly downfield, and two carbonyls upfield (resulting in the right-most peak's highest integration). They are each split by some spin 1/2 nucleus.
Phosphorous is a logical assumption for one source of doublet splitting, but the other doublet splitting is clearly from another nucleus due to the different splitting constant.
Tungsten does not seem likely due to its low natural abundance; in fact, I think we can see its effects at 202 and 205 ppm in the two satellite peaks. Their intensity is so small that carbon-13 coupling at 1% abundance can simply be forgotten.
Hydrogen is presumably too many bonds away; however, it's gyromagnetic constant is around 25, 2.5x as large as phosphorous. Together, these two nuclei could explain the two different doublet splitting constants. Is it possible that hydrogen is not too far away? It would be five bonds though.
Any thoughts or tips in the right direction? Thanks a lot for your time
Edit: I have added a picture of the diagram without my writing on it, if that makes it clearer to look at. Thanks!