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Topic: 5-meo-mipt isomers or salts  (Read 1783 times)

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5-meo-mipt isomers or salts
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:09:21 AM »
Hi. I hope this question is not against forum rules as it concerns drugs, but not producing. (I have tried to contact the moderator prior to posting but being a new member, I am not allowed to send the private messages yet.)

Can anyone tell me please if 5-meo-mipt (5-​methoxy-​N-​methyl-​N-​(1-​methylethyl)-​1H-​Indole-​3-​ethanamine, C15H22N15O) is an isomer or a salt of any one of these chemicals:

* DET (Diethyltryptamine, C14H20N2)
* DMT (Dimethyltryptamine, C12H16N2)
* Etryptamine (alfa-Ethyltryptamine, C12H16N2).

I am not a chemist but I did my homework and if I understand correctly, 5-meo-mipt is not an isomer of any of these three chemicals, as its formula and moll.mass is different.

But is it a salt of any of them please?

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Re: 5-meo-mipt isomers or salts
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 07:17:48 AM »
It is definitely not an isomer for the reasons you have stated - its formula is different.

You also asked about salts - and no, I would not classify them as salts either.

They definitely share part of the carbon-nitrogen skeleton, so this way or another they could be classified as similar, or even homologues or analogues - I am not sure if these are defined precisely enough, someone correct me if I am wrong.
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