OK, Couldnt find anywhere on the web that directly addresses this question, So I thought why not ask here. Ill start by prefacing with this, Nerve agents are a form of chemical weapons. I know how they work, But what Ive always wondered, Is how do they work so effectively? The same is true for certain venoms of snakes. How is it, That such a small dose can have such a devestating affect ona person? If you drop one tablespoon of gasoline in a 50 gallon tank of water, The sheer volume of the water is going to dilute the gasoline to such a point, That its going to have a very nominal effect on contamination of the water. How is that a snake bite or nerve agent in such a smal dose can affect your entire body? Wouldnt the affect be fairly localized?If you get bit on the foot, How is there enough of the chemicals in the poison to make it all the way to your brain or heart without most of it being absorbed by your body as it travels there?