OK, So my powers of GOOGLE and WIKI have not come up with a successful acid safe cracking.
Even my search of Mythbusters does not have an acid safe cracking episode.
There was an article on an attempt to use muriatic acid, but that was just an attempt.
I could not find anything on Snopes.com either.
Muriatic acid? Why not call it hydrochloric acid (HCl).
HCl is not going to work on a bronze or brass lock. It requires HNO3.
LN2 could be used to make it brittle but I don't know if it would work on a lock. I guess you could damage the insides.
I have seen it done on a small home or office safe with LN2
You can use a sledgehammer to crack the brittle metal. It is very very easy to break.
I think they soaked the safe in LN2 for 5 min.
Breaking it into pieces takes 2 hits.